Tuesday, May 29, 2007

All this waiting makes one crave coffee

Date: 29 May 2007
Time: 1010 hrs
Place: Bus stop outside Hotel Rendezvous

I am reading the bus services guide to figure out which bus I could take when this short man wearing a batik shirt and grey pants, and a briefcase, sitting on the bench with a young man (his son?) decked out in hip-hop gear (sports jersey and backwards cap), spins around and asks me whether he could pay for the bus using cash because he didn't have an Ez-Link card. I told him that yes, the busses still took cash, and pointed to the box on one of the busses that just stopped where he is supposed to put in the cash, instead of handing it to the driver which he thought was the procedure. I then helped him figure out that it cost $1.70 for him to get to the airport. After a while, bus 36 came, I pointed to it but he had gotten up to walk off with his son, saying that they were going to a cafe to get coffee first.

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