Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cubicles, part two

Date: 15 Sep 2005
Time: 1128 hrs
Place: "The Factory"

(sorf) Again I get asked for directions to other people's cubicles...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

"I read your face, it says you're a sucker..."

Date: 11 Sep 2005
Time: 0955 hrs
Place: Table no. 9, a HDB market

(both of us) A man in a polo t-shirt, hand carrying a bag, comes up to us and asks if we want our faces read and to tell us our fortunes.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Do they have upsidedown lifts down under?

Date: 09 Sep 2005
Time: 1824 hrs
Place: Shaw Towers

Three Aussie Tai-Tai tourists got into the lift to try to get to the cinemas, but I told them to go back to the first floor, past the McDonalds, and to take the other lift.